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Infant Massage 

DIY Crampy Belly Baby Oil for a Gentle and Calming Massage.jpg

What is an infant massage?

The ancient art of infant massage has been practiced for centuries by cultures around the world and is one of the earliest stimuli a parent can provide for their infant. 


By using simple massage strokes, you can enhance your role as a parent and provide the right type of stimuli to promote optimal development. You and your baby will experience many benefits from infant massage during a child’s first year and for years to come. 

​Learning from someone who is certified in infant massage therapy is key to learn the most to benefit your child:

Promoting social, emotional and cognitive development

Helping a baby relax and release tensions of daily stimuli

Decreasing irritability and excessive crying

Reducing gas, colic and intestinal difficulties

Regulating behavioral states and promoting sleep

Strengthening and regulating primary systems (i.e., respiratory, circulatory, nervous, musculature, digestive and endocrine)


There are also benefits for parents and the development of parenting skills. The act of massaging an infant helps:


Promote better understanding of infant cues

Enhance communication and emotional ties

Increase confidence and handling skills

Provide quality one-on-one interaction

Encourage parents to unwind, relax, and listen to their baby

1 Hour Appointment 

Babies from

Age 2 weeks to 1 year


Each appointment will start off with a consultation of your baby's current heath and concerns you as their caretaker have. A full body massage with instructions on how to safely preform each movement and what the movement is used for. Ending the appointment with a relaxed sleepy baby ready for a feed and closing with any additional questions. 

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